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Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Ratings after Oct 29

Tournament Saturday Nov 1 at Highview Middle School in New Brighton 8:30am to about 3:00pm
Call me if interested 651-451-8412 for more details. Cost about $25 including lunch.

Name Rating
Frank 881
Josh 801
Thomas 594
Carter 379
Joe 341
Keighvin 269
Oscar 228
Aidan L 223
Payton 207
Lucius 192
Isaiah 174
Bryce 168
Rohan 158
Nathan 154
Bergen  144
Christopher 134
Emma 134
Gabe 129
Travis 119
Dev 113
Damien 107
Lucas 105
Francis 100
Magnus 100

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Latest Ratings after Oct 22

Next tournament is Nov 1 High view Middle School New Brighton Grade Level
Compete as individuals. Play only those in your same grade. If we have at least 3 we are also competing as a team. You can also choose to play up a grade or several grades to form a team.
Think about it. I plan to be there

Name 22-Oct
Frank 881
Josh 795
Thomas 580
Carter 379
Joe 350
Keighvin 269
Aidan L 223
Oscar 204
Payton 189
Lucius 183
Rohan 169
Isaiah 163
Bergen  136
Christopher 134
Gabe 129
Nathan 125
Bryce 124
Travis 119
Dev 113
Emma 111
Damien 107
Lucas 105
Magnus 100
Quintin 100
Francis 100

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Chess News

First tournament of the year OCTOBER 18 in Champlin. If you have questions, see  or contact me - Bill Heinemann

Here are the latest ratings. Notice the surge of newcomers who have gotten up to about 170.

Name Rating
Frank 861
Josh 774
Thomas 560
Carter 379
Joe 350
Keighvin 247
Aidan L 177
Lucius 174
Oscar 171
Isaiah 170
Rohan 169
Payton 144
Bergen  137
Travis 118
Bryce 118
Nathan 112
Emma 111
Lucas 105
Quintin 100
Francis 100
Magnus 100
Damien 100
Dain 100
Aidan D 100
Luca 100

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Ratings After Oct 1

If you're interested in a tournament for some good practice - Oct 18th in Champlin. I'm planning on being there. See for details.

Frank 841
Josh 754
Thomas 537
Carter 379
Joe 350
Keighvin 231
Lucius 166
Aidan 165
Rohan 156
Isaiah 145
Payton 144
Oscar 141
Bergen  137
Travis 122
Nathan 105
Lucas 105
Quintin 100
Francis 100
Magnus 100
Emma 100
Bryce 100
Damien 100
Dain 100
Aidan 100
Luca 100