March 10 Jr. High/Middle School State Championships 5 Rounds
Team score is the total of the top 3 scores. 4 team trophies.
Last year we scored 6 points to finish in 9th place of 13 teams.
(Aiden Lee 2.0, Henry 2.0, Isaiah 2) Can we score higher this year?
April 14-15 Two days 7 rounds - Breck School K-6 Championships - we need 4 for a team but individuals can compete also. K-3 and 4-6 sections 4-6 section will award 14 team trophies and 31 individual trophies. Register now - print form from and mail in early for a discount.
Here are some graphs so you can see your progress since Christmas (read right to left):
Top 8: Henry - made some progress in the last few weeks; Luke - steady progress moved up 2 spots; Isaiah - steady progress; Owen - very good progress since min Jan.; Miles - very little progress, went from 2nd to 5th; Jaden - slow but steady progress until this last week when you wanted to lose; Niko - good progress since your vacation; Nick- wow! You're improving rapidly
Next 8 Christian - great progress til you hit a little bump in the road lat week: Ben - you passed 4 people; Gere - great progress until you stopped coming: Jack - very little progress because you need to focus better on lessons and games; Tyler - steady progress in Jan, but little in Feb; James - basically no progress since Christmas - you need to pay attention during instruction or everyones going to pass you up; Tom - going the wrong direction for some reason; Zack - wow, you're becoming a contender!
Next 8: The rest of the club is marred by poor attendance or new players who are having trouble getting off the 100 mark - next year they'll start the upward climb.
Name | 28-Feb |
Henry | 862 |
Luke | 819 |
Isaiah | 804 |
Owen | 765 |
Miles | 738 |
Jaden | 603 |
Niko | 590 |
Nick | 424 |
Christian | 350 |
Ben | 328 |
Gere | 301 |
Jack | 272 |
Tyler | 267 |
James | 239 |
Zach | 211 |
Tom | 210 |
Nolan | 193 |
Derrick | 190 |
Naomi | 187 |
Isaac | 182 |
Quinn | 157 |
Patrick | 147 |
Winston | 107 |
Davis | 100 |