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Sunday, December 8, 2013

Anton vs Francisco Cassellius

Here' a position from Anton vs Francisco. Anton is white and play b3? two moves ago, which was a mistake. Franscisco castled and Anton played Bb2?
Q1) What should have Anton played instead?
Q2) What good move did Francisco find?

Eventually Anton lost when he put his King and Queen on the same color and Frankie forked him with a knight. Anton's mistake above was moving b3 which pinned his own knight to his rook. Bb2 didn'r really help because now the knight is simply pinned to the bishop instead. Anton should have played c3 instead of Bb2, thereby getting out of that pin as quickly as possible. Frankie took advantage of the pinned and therefore immobile knight with th simple c5 - attack the pinned piece with the smallest piece possible.

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