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Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Progress Reports

I graphed your progress and this is what I see:
Aidan - It's tough at the top but you have made some progress this year.
Oscar - After a meteoric rise last year, you have hit a plateau. Better  attendance might help.
Jack - Strong progress all year. You are poised to move into second place
Jay - I like your attitude - play hard players. Eventually it works in your favor and its paying off.
Isaiah - Good steady progress marred my a brief period of poor attendance
Miles - Great progress all year. Hit a bump in the road this week, but you work hard and will succeed.
Lucius - Good steady progress all year. Briefly broke the 400 level.
Jacob - You started the year in the 100's and are now 372. Impressive graph
Grant - Slow progress until the last few week. Your enthusiasm for playing works for you.
Jack L - Very little progress since Oct. Your fear of good players is hurting you. Contrast with Jay.
Shakti - You were making good progress then sporadic attendance slowed you down.
Christian - On the days you take your eyes off your iPad you make good progress - like today.
Kiera - Slow progress, but very steady. First year players find it difficult to break 200, but you did.
Ellyanna and Catey - You can't make progress without hard work. Pay attention during lessons.
Jackson - It's hard joining late. Everyone's had lessons you missed. I'm pleased with where you are.
Dylan - First year players have trouble getting off 100. Good progress when you attend.

Reminder anyone over 400 will have some success at a tournament.
There is a tournament Saturday at Metcalf Jr High from 8:20 to about 3:00+ Cost $20-22 plus lunch

Aidan 570
Oscar 495
Jack S 487
Jay 453
Isaiah 451
Miles 401
Lucius 393
Jacob 372
Grant 343
Jack L 315
Shakti 274
Christian 237
Kiera 200
Ellyanna 179
Catey 162
Jackson 150
Dylan 150

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