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Tuesday, May 2, 2017


I was studying chess today with Lectures by Jonathan Schrantz who has become my favorite chess commentator - he's understandable, witty, and gives good, clear instruction. If you want to improve, click above the link.

Here's a position I ran across today studying one of Magnus Carlsen's games.
It's actually black's turn, but the question is not what is Black's best move, but rather
(as I have taught you) what move could White make that I need to prevent.

Answer: 1. Rxe6! QxQ (black can try to trade queens, but...we're going to take his queen but not just yet) In the game, Black played Kg7 where now Rxe6 cannot be played because of fxe6. The actual game lasted many more moves but White prevailed because of that d pawn.
2. Re8+! Zwishenzug! winning the game easily

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